True Love Quotes Status SMS
Never WasTe an OppOrtuniTy 2 sAy ‘I LoVe U’ to Someone u ReaLLy Like, Coz it is noT EvEryDaY u’ll mEEt tHe PerSoN WhO hAs tHe MaGic 2 lEt u fAll iN love…
If love were to be taxed, I would be the highest tax payer, you can’t buy Love… but you can pay heavily.
I believe that God above created u for me to luv. he picked you out from all the rest cos he knew id luv you the best!
True luv is hard 2 find. Special 1-1 of a kind. But the luv inside of me is true. It appeared the day i met you!
Luv hurts when u break up with someone, Luv hurts even more when she breaks up with u, but Luv hurts d most when u not able to tell d the person whom u Love.
Wantin u is easy missin u is hard.Wishin u was wiv me wrapped up in my arms.Constantly think of u wen we r apart.Ive got the padlock u hav the key to my heart
i cant txt u roses or fax u my email u kisses but wed stil b apart.i luv u 2 pieces n just wish ud c dat i care 4 u so much coz u mean da world 2 me
ur a mate wiv a heart of much u mean to me can never be told.ur sum1 2b talked bout so sweet and true.1 in a million dats u
I hide my tears when I say your Name, But the Pain in My Heart is still the same, Although I smile and seem Carefree, Theres No one who Misses you more Than Me…
One Stone is Enough to break a Glass….. One sentence is Enough to break a heart……. One Second is Enough to fall In Love … and …. One Love is Enough to make worse a whole Life!
BEAUTY doesn’t make love but love makes BEAUTY ; BREAK everything but never BREAK the HEART; hEART is the music, PLAY it but never play WITH it.
Take my eyes but let me see U…Take my mind but let me Think about U…Take my Hand but let me Touch U…But don’t try to take my Heart coz its already with U….
When God made parts, He thought of Hearts. And for each heart, a sweetheart. And among those sweethearts, he made one sweetest heart, and thats urs!
Life spent with some1 4 a lifetime may B A meaningless but a few moments spent with some1 who REALL LUVS U means more then a life it self…
what is love? dont ask the person who loves some1 but ask the person who have lost some1.
We are close enough to tell each other what we feel about our relationship… I can sum up our relationship in those three words…I LUV U
Love knows no reasons love knows no lies,love defies all reasons love has no eyes… But love is not blind,Love sees all but doesnt mind…..
Whnever i miss u.. I wont luk 4 u in my dreams.. or try to hear ur voice in ur msgs.. I jst put my right hand across my chest and ill feel u……….
I’ve 2 tell U sumthing, but i dont wanna upset U. My doc has found stones in my liver, sand in my kidney… n… U in my HEART ! ! !
Love is sometimes like a poisoned mushroom. You can’t tell if it’s the real thing until it’s too late.
Love is like a pendulum which hangs between tears and smiles. Days will turn into weeks & weeks will turn into years. I will remember U through silent tears.
When you fall in river there is boat, when u fall in a well there is a rope. But when u fall in love there is no hope!
What is love? Love is a special feeling that can only begin when u open up ur heart and let someone in.
There r 2 ways of being united – By being frozen 2gether or being melted 2gether. Its better 2 b melted in luv than 2 b frozen in differences.
When u find luv treasure it, take care of it, b true to it, make gud use of it, because luv cums unseen, u can only c it when its gone.
2 let go doesnt mean 2 stop carin.2 let go is to learn theres sumthin beyond.2 let go means acceptin reality.2 let go is lovin more coz u only want the best.
Sumtimes its harder 2 say no wen u really mean yes.Its hard 2 close ur eyes wen u really want 2 see.But the hardest thing 2 do is to let go wen u want to stay
if u love me like u told me please be careful wiv my heart- u can take it jus dont break it or my world will fall appart
If i rote ur name in d sky wind wood blow it away.if i rote ur name in d sea waves wood wash it away.But ur name is engravd in my heart where nothin can touch it!
why do i text u? its my choice its my way of sayin dat i remembr u. why do i remembr u? il neva know its not my choice its my hearts.
Some1 asked me once “Have U ever missed anybody so much?” It made me stop and think..then I smiled bcoz I was thinking of U…I miss U…
Dont b afraid 2 expose yourself.Reach out and tell sum1 wot they mean 2 u coz when u decide its the right time it might b 2 late
U care 4 me, I care 4 u, U miss me, I miss u, U like me, I like u, U msg me, I msg u, U forget me, I am sorry This is where I don’t match u.
When it rains, you don’t see the sun, but it’s there. Hope we can be like that. We don’t always see each other, but we will always be there for each other.
Don’t rush into falling in love, for love never runs out. Even if they mock you because you are single, just tell them this: “God is just busy writing the best love story that will swipe me off my feet!”
When life is a mess, when my heart has been crushed, when I’m wearing a frown, when I breakdown and cry, when I’m blue, can I comfort myself by saying, I have you?
Everything in life is temporary, because everything changes. That’s why it takes great courage to love someone knowing it might end anytime.
Why do I miss you? Because u make me smile. U are so kind. U are so sweet. U are funny. And most of all, because u are not texting me any more. That’s Y.
When you hold someone, hold them like it’s the last time you will ever see them and when they go, don’t make reasons for them to stay… only reasons for them to return.
I think, part of the reason why people hold on to something so tight for so long is because they fear that something so great won’t happen twice.
The word “miss” is also part of the word “love”. So, when someone says, “I miss you!” it also means that they love you! Now, why did I text you? Simply because… I miss u
If loving you is wrong,then I don’t wanna be right.My love for you is strong and brighter than any light.The way we must go is long,but we’ll win every fight.
There’s a warmth in my heart. It haunts me when U R gone. Mend me 2 ur side and never let go. The more I live The more I know, wat’s simple is true, I love you.
It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return, but what hurts more is to love someone, and never find the courage to let them know how you feel.
Love is like a cloud… love is like a dream… love is 1 word and everything in between… love is a fairytale come true… Coz I found love when I found U.
No one is too young for love, because love doesn’t come from your mind, which knows your age, but from your heart, which knows no age.
WOrLd iS cRueL, LoVe iS bLinD. LoSt iN sAdnEsS, BluR In miND. HeArT iS bRoKeN, fLaMe hAd DiEd. TiMe HaS pAsSeD bUt wHy iS hE… sTiLL nOt mInE…
LovE is Not HoW LonG U’ve BeeN 2gEthEr; nOt HoW MucH U’ve GIvEn oR RecEivE; Not hOw MaNy TimEs U’ve HeLpEd EaCh OthEr — Its HoW U VALUE EaCh OtHEr…
FiRsT NiTe, FiRsT SiGhT, I SaW, I KnEw, LoVe’s SwEEtEr ThAn MoUnTaiN DeW, A pRoMiSe I mAdE and’ WiLL kEEp, 2 LoVe YOU aLwAys~
→ i wish i was ur blanket,i wish i was ur bed, i wish i was ur pillow underneath ur head,i wanna b around u,i wanna hold u tight, & b the lucky person who kisses u goodnite
→ Uve won my luv now I luv u.This heart of mine I give 2 u.So keep it safe as i have done.For u have 2 and i have none!
→ i dont have the measels, i am not confined to bed, asperin wont help coz i aint my head, i dont have back ache or the flu, its more serious…i am missin u!
→ Ull always be mine 4 now & 4ever.Ull always be mine 4 u r my treasure.Ull always be mine please tell me its true.Please be mine 4ever ill always luv u
→ There are Tulips in my garden,there are Tulips in the park.but nothing is more be beautiful then our two lips meeting in the dark!
→ I love 3 things! The sun, the moon and U! The sun for the day, the moon for the night and you forever!
→ if i died or travelled far, i’d write ur name on every star,so everyone could look up & see, dat u mean the world 2 me
→ Wantin u is easy missin u is hard.Wishin u was wiv me wrapped up in my arms.Constantly think of u wen we r apart.Ive got the padlock u hav the key to my heart
→ How can u tell the rain not 2 fall wen clouds exist?How can u tell the leaves not 2 fall wen the wind exists?How can u tell me not 2 fall in love wen u exist?
→ Accidents do happen.i slip- i trip- i stumble- i fall & usually i dont care at all.but now i dont know what to do cos i slipped and fell in love with u
→ Love is like a golden chain that links our hearts together and if you ever break that chain youll break my heart 4ever!xxx
→ When the night comes, look at the sky. If you see a falling star, don’t wonder why, just make a wish. Trust me, it will come true, because I did it and I found you
→ True luv is hard 2 find.Special 1-1 of a kind.But the luv inside of me is true.It appeared the day i met you!
→ It takes 2 to tango.2 to kiss.2 to talk & many good things cum in 2 & one of those things is me & u!
→ U say u luv me & want 2 hold me tight.those words run thru my head day & nite.i dreamt u held me & made me see dat 4ever 2gether we wood be!
→ 1000 words 1 cood say.1000 wishes 1 cood pray.1000 miles legs cood walk.1000 sounds a mouth cood talk.1000 times ill b true.1000 ways 2 say i luv u!
→ Ive got ur bak & uve got mine.ill help u out netime.2 see u hurt 2 see u cry.makes me weep & wanna die.ill b right here til d end.cos ur my luv & my bestfriend
→ You can fall from a bridge, you can fall from above, but the best way of falling, is falling in love!
→ There are 3 steps to happy happiness: 1 you. 2 me. 3 our hearts 4 eternity!