Bumper Stickers Quotes Status SMS
→ Could you drive any better if I shoved that cell phone up your ass?
→ Cover me, I’m changing lanes.
→ Don’t bother honking or flashing your lights, I’m deaf and blind.
→ Driver carries no cash. He’s married.
→ Honk if you have never seen an uzi fired from a car window.
→ Honk if you want to see my finger.
→ Horn broken… watch for finger.
→ I Brake For No Apparent Reason.
→ I no longer wish to share this nation’s roads and highways with others. Sorry for the inconvenience.
→ Buffalo wings are a lot of work for little food-reward
→ Dinosaurs were lies, fed to us to cover up the existence of Pokemon.
→ Watch out for the idiot behind me.
→ So many pedestrians – So little time.
→ Seen on an old, beat-up car: “This is not an abandoned vehicle”
→ Next time you wave, use all your fingers.
→ Keep honking…I’m reloading.
→ If you can read this, thank a teacher….and, since it’s in English, thank a soldier!!
→ If you can read this, please flip me back over…[Seen upside down, on a Jeep]
→ If you can read this, I’ve lost my trailer.
→ If you can read this, I can hit my brakes and sue you.
→ I’m not driving fast-just flying low.